I'd be a chameleon. There's no doubt in my mind.
I was so surprised, shocked, thrilled, ravenous (wait, wrong use of adjective...sorry), and inspired by all of the comments from the last Lighter Side post. I hope you'll all keep posting your quirks, as it brings so much joy to my little heart.
So, for this week, I thought we'd take it from a new angle. See, I've had many conversations this week in which I have referred to myself as "the chameleon". And I've been met with a few confused looks. So, let me explain why I am a chameleon:
- It's the only animal that gets to change its "clothes" as often as it wants.
- I'm really good at impressions, which is funny, but also a curse because people are constantly repeating a line and then begging, "You do it, Katie!" Which would be great...if it didn't make me look totally stupid.
- I tend to mimic people's style in song. This was evidenced when I discovered a tape of me singing My Heart Will Go On along with a recording of the song. And I probably thought I was singing normal, but I was totally mimicking Celine. I've never laughed harder! "Neahhh....Fahhhhh...whea - ehhhvahhh you ahhhh."
- I pick up accents really easy. I've tried not to, but it's inevitable. If you have an accent and I'm around you for 10 minutes, I will have an accent. It's terribly embarrassing
There are probably other reasons, but I think you would now agree - I am a chameleon. I don't try to be, it's just who I am! Which leaves me just one question...
Which animal are you and why?